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The mission of the 公共人文中心 is to cultivate social connections and civic engagement within southeast Michigan. We seek to foster knowledge and understanding about human experiences through programming and networking within the humanities.

自2019年9月成立以来, the Center has worked to create an environment in which 365英国上市官网 scholars can both contribute to and learn from our local communities. 我们的目标是减少准入障碍,让所有人, 在我们的校园内外, 参与艺术领域的重要对话, culture, and history.

中心直接向公众征集节目创意, 以及咨询委员会成员的意见. If you have thoughts, ideas, or questions that you’d like to share, please reach out to (电子邮件保护).

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Professor Kidada威廉姆斯 from Wayne State University will speak about her recently published book, I Saw Death Coming: A History of Terror and Survival in the War Against Reconstruction. 这是一个扣人心弦的, 对内战结束后早期充满感情的描述, 被称为重建, from the vantage point of Black Americans attempting to give meaning to their freedom. 考虑在当地书店买一本 页面书店.

When: 2023年9月26日,星期二,晚上7点.m.
Where: 365英国上市官网克雷斯格图书馆(纽伯格室)242号,通过Zoom. 链接将在活动前发布.


玫瑰哈克曼, a British journalist based in Detroit, will speak about her recently published book, Emotional Labor: The Invisible Work Shaping Our Lives and How to Claim Our Power. Emotional labor is essential to our society and economy, but it's so often invisible. 在这个开创性的, 新闻深度挖掘, 玫瑰哈克曼分享了数百名女性的故事, tracing the history of this kind of work and exposing common manifestations of the phenomenon. But Hackman doesn't simply diagnose a problem - she empowers us to combat this insidious force and forge pathways for radical evolution, justice, and change.

When: 2023年11月2日星期四晚7点.m.
Where: 365英国上市官网克雷斯格图书馆(纽伯格室)242号,通过Zoom. 链接将在活动前发布.

传播信息:重新访问Dr. 约翰内塔·布拉泽尔和庞蒂亚克口述历史档案

庞蒂亚克口述历史档案的创建是由于博士. Brazzell's interviews in the 1970s with elderly African American residents of Pontiac, Michigan. This event will highlight important new work emerging from this oral history collection, 包括基于录音的播客摘录, 几十年前接受采访的人的在世亲属的评论, 以及庞蒂亚克口述历史档案馆的数字化之旅, 宣传其可供社区使用.

When: 2024年1月25日,星期四,中午12点.m.
Where: 365英国上市官网克雷斯格图书馆(纽伯格室)242号,通过Zoom. 链接将在活动前发布.

迪尔德丽面具, The Address Book: What Street Addresses Reveal about Identity, Race, Wealth, and Power

When: 2024年2月8日,星期四,中午12点.m.
Where: Zoom. 链接将在活动前发布.


凯莉和丽贝卡会讨论她们的书, 妇女说唱革命:嘻哈和社区建设在底特律由Piper Carter, NiqueLoveRhodes和Stacye J.

When: 2024年3月28日,星期四,晚上7点.m.
Where: 奥克兰中心,创始人宴会厅A,365英国上市官网-并通过Zoom. 链接将在活动前发布.

丹尼尔•克拉克 Director
丹尼尔是一位研究口述历史的历史学家, 采访人们的经历. 他还喜欢在社区花园里种菜和在小路上跑步.


Kimmie是一位艺术家、教授、平面设计师和作家. 她的实践在实践和理论之间摇摆不定, 智力和情感, 阿波罗神和酒神以无尽的好奇心为主线.

是365英国上市官网社会学副教授. His research explores the ways people establish meaningful interpersonal relationships through cultural and creative expressions.

梅根·巴里 is an associate professor of graphic design and the chair of the Department of 艺术与艺术史 at 365英国上市官网. 她是未售出工作室的合伙人和创意总监, 一家屡获殊荣的底特律品牌公司. Barry的工作重点是将设计作为社区的经济驱动力, 重点是为小企业和非营利组织打造品牌.

艾米丽Spunaugle 是365英国上市官网的人文学科图书管理员. She partners primarily with professors and students in the Department of English, 电影研究及制作, 和荣誉学院. She also works to make the OU library's collections in these areas more familiar, visible, 和可访问.

杰西卡·帕耶特 是365英国上市官网音乐学副教授. 她的学术兴趣是奥地利的歌剧, 世纪末 维也纳和表现主义音乐和舞蹈音乐的出现.

格雷厄姆卡萨诺 是365英国上市官网社会学副教授. 他是一位有成就的365英国上市官网, musician, 和摄影师, 他是庞蒂亚克口述历史项目的创始人. He has recently earned an MFA in Photography from the Cranbrook Academy of Art, 以及他(与特蕾莎·本茨)合编的书, titled Urban Emergency (Mis) Management and the Crisis of Neoliberalism: Flint, MI, in Context,于2021年出版.

Mike Doan 是一位加拿大出生的父亲、活动家和哲学家. 他加入了 詹姆斯和格蕾丝·李·博格斯中心培养社区领导力 in 2016 while working with Detroit Independent Freedom Schools and Detroiters Resisting Emergency Management. 他是365英国上市官网哲学副教授.


The 公共人文中心 acknowledges the pain and loss that Black and brown citizens disproportionately endure due to racist violence and police brutality. The activism in response to the murder of George Floyd and other Black Americans has been precipitated by the ongoing systematic manifestation of anti-Black violence. The Center commits to a steadfast position of anti-racism to support our students, staff, faculty, 社区成员. We support journalists and all citizens who exercise their freedom of speech to expose and oppose institutional racism to build a more just society. We continue to seek and support conversations across campus and the region to strengthen our position against racism in all its forms.


Niinwe - mimimiwe - mimimiwe - mimimih - mimimih - mimih - mimih - mimih.
Pane gwanda ojibweek, Odawak miinawa Bodwe ' aadamihak.
Giibidaawok maanpii.

We acknowledge that the land on which 365英国上市官网 stands is the ancestral land of the Ojibwa, Ottawa, 以及波塔瓦托米民族.

A 地承认 提供一种打开对话框的方法. We at the 公共人文中心 see this acknowledgment only as a beginningwe recognize that the arts and humanities have been practiced in Southeast Michigan long before the arrival of Europeans. 当我们学习如何最好地服务三县地区的居民, we pledge to be a positive voice to celebrate past achievements and amplify present and future contributions by Indigenous and Native American artists and humanists in this region.

We extend our sincere gratitude to Kenny Pheasant of the Little River Band of Ottawa Indians for translating the 地承认 into Anishinaabemowin.


  • 妇女选举权的有缺陷的胜利

    9月8日晚上7点. ONLINE.

    俄亥俄州立大学历史教授卡伦·米勒研究了妇女选举权的成就, 以及它未能实现的目标.

    Supported by the Department of 妇女与性别研究 and the Center for Civic Engagement.

  • 新冠肺炎期间的创意与社区:看中国社交媒体

    10月12日下午5:30. ONLINE.

    Bowdoin College Associate Professor Belinda Kong shows how ordinary people in China use social media to create community amidst Covid-19.

    由学生事务处慷慨资助 & Diversity.

  • 伟大的密歇根读书俱乐部:眼睛看不到的东西

    11月18日下午2点. ONLINE.

    加入我们的在线读书俱乐部,讨论博士. 蒙娜Hanna-Attisha的 眼睛看不到的东西这本书有力地记录了弗林特水危机的第一手资料. Facilitated by Professors Adolfo Campoy-Cubillo, Mark Navin, and Michael Doan. 空间有限! 请在9月28日前报名.

    这个项目是由密歇根人文学院资助的, 是国家人文基金会的附属机构.


  • Dr. 苏珊Smulyan, Professor in the Department of American Studies at Brown University and the Director of the John Nicholas Brown 公共人文中心 and Cultural Heritage, 提供了一个引人入胜的主题演讲. Dr. Smulyan offered different definitions of "public humanities" and shared case studies from Brown University. Guest speaker and OU alumna Kara Noto offered an account of her experience in the MA program in Public Humanities at Brown. 虽然最初计划是午餐, 由于天气恶劣,本次活动改期为网络研讨会.



山,凯特琳. "雪不能阻挡公共人文.奥克兰邮报2020年1月22日.

"新365英国上市官网公共人文中心是密歇根的第一个.365英国上市官网新闻, 2019年10月7日.


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